Ever since its debut in 1997, the Japanese manga and anime series One Piece has gained an enormous following worldwide. Its unique characters, engaging storyline, and vibrant art style have captured the hearts of fans globally. The recent release of the highly...
Anime Nails
I Want… Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir Nails
If you're a fan of the animated series Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, then this article is for you! Get ready to be inspired by 30 Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir nail art designs that will make you want to try them all! From cute and sweet designs to more...
I Want… Nezuko Nails
When it comes to anime fandom, nothing is more popular than Demon Slayer at the moment. The show has gained immense popularity in its short lifespan and fans can’t get enough of the characters and their unique stories. One of the most beloved characters from this...
I Want… Super Mario Nails
Super Mario fans can take their love of the iconic character to a whole new level by adorning their nails with creative and fun Mario nail art designs. Whether you’re looking for something simple or something elaborate and colorful, there are plenty of options when it...